But I was alive.
Publicado en Jun 02, 2010
I come to be with you in that hour forgotten you said "I love you" which was the false currency as the wind left in my outstretched hand ... and I looked up the cross and walked slowly, very slowly, hands in the pockets of air ... without forgetting to report that a couple of minutes sincere. After dawn born again, I hit the beat of my heart and I knew he was alive. Your figure was diluted in this crystal of frost and lie down on the roses had forgotten until my name and your eyes. Beyond echoing space of solitude but my heart was here in passing a new adventure ... air just to live without money is not lost in what corner of the attic of my notes. I wrote down your name in a poem silent and the silence made me suddenly aeronatura of the seas. And so there I went ... opposed to the coasts where the light shone more heat on my lips. And drew a poem in the wind:
Forgot what I experienced not bother you anymore and also I met another which never forgets. Sparrows of the bank brought a new riddle me but I was alive ... and in my daily experience I was already on with a new passion. Behind there was just a silent poem ... silent as a innocent verse filled with white words. And draw another poem in the wind. Dyed red dream dawn on I have already learned to look to other eyes. The gulls were coming ... one after the other ... one after the other ... to cover the sky with white wings that glow blue sky where I imagined love scenes. Scenes in this theater of life. But I was alive. And I came back, once again, to lay a poem in the wind. Tomorrow is the dawn which makes me wake up that I have another look the minute and hour. And I continued waiting ... waiting for the silence that broke under the Sun ... and a voice gave to me the welcome of these past loves ... so past that already they were alone an oblivion closed in my books of history. But already alive I was. And then I wrote a last poem on the sand. In this vital beach I have found the mystery Of an already finished verse That I spend already of your kiss And I search the lover That gives me a gull Under the starry sky. And I left. And to my ship I called it, since ear was to sing, Liberate ... but already alive I was.
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